Innovation Segment University research @ CLIMAX

Solar hybrid technolagy integrated power train for land vehicles - University of York

Most land vehicles will incorporate this solar hybrid technology as an essential part of their battery-electric powertrains

  • Progress with solar-powered and solar-assisted land vehicles is now so clear and compelling
  • Ten times thinner solar cells could enable a rapid expansion of photovoltaics, increase solar electricity production, and greatly reduce our carbon footprint
  • Power greatly improved with versions working well on vehicle sides, from polycrystalline silicon on trucks to run refrigeration to power for services in camper vans


  • Transportation & logistics

Sustainability domain

  • Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

  • Core sciences & engineering

Stakeholder type

  • University researcher


Relevant for

  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Material sciences professional
  • Industrial engineer

Innovation sector

  • Electrical engineering
  • Logistics & transportation