Innovation Segment : Electric Vehicles

Innovation Insights

Hydrogen train pilot in Italy - Ferrovie Dello Stato (FS) and Italian energy infrastructure company


Italian rail operator Ferrovie Dello Stato (FS) and Italian energy infrastructure company and Europe’s biggest natural gas transport group Snam have partnered to study using hydrogen for FS’ transport network. The agreement is the first of its kind in Europe between a national railway company and an energy group as hydrogen emerges as a possible solution to help meet climate targets,

FS and Snam will set up a working group to assess pilot projects to replace fossil fuels on the national railways. 

More details

Innovation themes: Green hydrogen trains, Step towards climate targets, replacement to fossil fuels.

Relevant for

  • Mechanical engineer
  • Automobile engineer
  • Electrical engineer
  • Electronics engineer
  • Power electronics engineer
  • Microelectronics engineer
  • Chemical engineer
  • Railway engineer

Innovation sector

  • Chemistry & chemical engineering
  • Electrical engineering
  • Electronics & communications
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Logistics & transportation


Sustainable transport

Type of innovation

Core sciences & engineering


University researcher

Corporate researcher

Startup or entrepreneur

Solution provider



Transportation & logistics